UNSW Decrim Evaluation
Researchers at the Centre for Social Research in Health UNSW are conducting a project about the health and wellbeing of sex workers in Victoria after the passage and initial stage of implementation of the Sex Work Decriminalisation Act 2022.

Participants will be asked to complete a 30-40 minute interview with a researcher either in-person (Melbourne only), by telephone, or using virtual software (including Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
If you are interested in participating, please contact Dr. Kerryn Drysdale via email at k.drysdale@unsw.edu.au or via phone: 02 9385 6412.
The research team has consulted widely with a range of stakeholder organisations in designing this research, including Scarlet Alliance and Vixen. Vixen and Scarlet Alliance are consulting throughout the process as stakeholders, and participating in recruitment for the study.
MSHC Survey
Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic is running a survey about how the decriminalisation of sex work in Victoria may change sexual health practices at work and sexual health checkups via an anonymous survey. This research is a collaboration between Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic, Monash University, Vixen, and Scarlet Alliance.
Take the survey here: https://bit.ly/3PMAmgH