Sex Worker Organisations
Other sex worker peer organisations across so-called Australia!
All staff, leadership and decision-making bodies are sex workers past or present.
Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association
Scarlet Alliance is the peak body for Australian sex worker organisations. Through their objectives, policies and programs, Scarlet Alliance aims to achieve equality, social, legal, political, cultural and economic justice for past and present workers in the sex industry, in order for sex workers to be self-determining agents, building our own alliances and choosing where and how we work.
SWOP NSW is a community-based peer education sex worker organisation focused on HIV, STI and Hepatitis C prevention, education and health promotion for sex workers in New South Wales (NSW).
02 9184 9466
SWOP ACT is a peer-based community organisation whose primary purpose is the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), through education and referral.
02 6257 2855
SWOP NT is a peer based health promotion service that engages sex workers and other sex industry stakeholders within the Northern Territory to work safely with competence in knowledge of the industry's legal and Work Health & Safety requirements.
08 8944 7777
Scarlet Alliance lutruwita (Tasmania) Sex Worker Project
The lutruwita (Tasmania) Sex Worker Project is an outreach project of Scarlet Alliance. (general) (outreach)
0451 835 897 (general)
0481 264 925 (outreach)
Respect Inc. QLD
Respect Inc. is a non-profit, peer-based organisation focused on protecting and promoting the rights, health and wellbeing of Queensland sex workers.
07 3835 1111
SIN South Australia
SIN is the South Australian Sex Industry Network. SIN is by sex workers for sex workers and offers peer support, education, information, advocacy and referral services for sex workers.
08 8351 7626
Magenta Western Australia
Magenta offers support, health services, education and information to female, male and transgender workers in the sex industry. Magenta provides outreach and in-house services to sex workers in commercial sexual services and small owner operated businesses.
08 9328 1387
SWEAR Western Australia
SWEAR (Sex Work, Education, Advocacy & Rights) is a sex worker activist group campaigning for law reform of the sex industry in Western Australia. (general) (peer support)